Southern Ocean Climate Model Atlas

The Southern Ocean Climate Model Atlas provides standardized images and metrics of the climate model and Earth System Model simulations conducted as part of the IPCC and CMIP processes. These maps, analyses and metrics are available to researchers of all disciplines and members of the public.

screen shot of the Southern Ocean Climate Model Atlas


A Modeling Simulation Portal (iClimate) is available through CyVerse, an interface to the PCMDI archive and to the high-resolution GFDL simulation CM2.6 (upon request) that will will facilitate efficient analysis of earth system model and coupled climate model simulation data. The iClimate website will allow the community to have direct access to the shared data and to the shared analysis scripts in a “Discovery Environment” designed for efficient data selection, processing, analysis and collaboration. A “How To” guide is being developed and will be available by end of Summer 2016.

screen shot of iClimate - Discovery Environment