March 22, 2022 Join us for the kickoff webinar for a new webinar series, hosted by GO-BGC and the OCB Project Office, that aims to build and support a growing community of biogeochemical float data users. GO-BGC is the global expansion of the technology proven through the SOCCOM project. As the BGC-Argo array matures and expands its global coverage, so will the potential for scientific discovery. We hope that the applications and research findings highlighted in this webinar series will demonstrate the potential for these globally distributed datasets and inspire the community to explore novel applications, scientific questions, and new collaborations in the use of BGC-Argo data. The first webinar of this series will be held on March 30th, 10-11 am Pacific/1-2 pm Eastern. It will cover the current status of BGC floats worldwide, projected float deployment locations, and tools that we have developed to streamline data access, followed by community discussion and Q&A. March 30 webinar agenda: Introduction to the GO-BGC webinar series (Yui Takeshita, MBARI) Introduction to BGC-Argo and GO-BGC (Alison Gray, University of Washington) Upcoming float deployment plans (Yui Takeshita, MBARI) How to use BGC-Argo data? (Jonathan Sharp and Hartmut Frenzel, NOAA PMEL) What is the quality of BGC-Argo data? (Yui Takeshita, MBARI) Discussion and community Q&A Register for the March 30 webinar Webinars will be hosted roughly quarterly. Subsequent webinars will focus on scientific or geographic themes. We will highlight emerging research results based on BGC-Argo data, and aim to promote early career researchers. All webinars will be recorded and made available through the OCB and GO-BGC websites. Organizers Yui Takeshita, MBARI Alison Gray, U. Washington Yibin Huang, NOAA PMEL Channing Prend, SIO Jonathan Sharp, NOAA PMEL Lynne Talley, SIO OCB Project Office – Heather Benway, Mai Maheigan, Mary Zawoysky