Steve Rintoul Position Fellow, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Role Chair, International Collaborations Committee CV RintoulCV.pdf Office Phone 61-3-6232-5393 Email [email protected] Office CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Bio/Description Interests Role of the Southern Ocean in the global ocean circulation, climate and biogeochemical cycles Biography Stephen R. Rintoul is a CSIRO Fellow at CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. He has broad interests in Southern Ocean research, including the dynamics of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, water mass formation and ventilation, and the coupling between physics, biology and chemistry. He uses a variety of observational tools to study the circulation of the Southern Ocean, including hydrographic transects, floats, moorings and satellites. He is a Coordinating Lead Author for the Oceans chapter of the IPCC 5th Assessment Report. Dr Rintoul has extensive experience in the leadership and coordination of international research programs in the Southern Ocean, having led the Southern Ocean component of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment, the Climate Variability and Prediction program, and the International Polar Year. More recently, he has been the driving force behind the establishment of the Southern Ocean Observing System. Dr Rintoul will Chair the Foreign Advisory Committee of SOCCOM, lead the Australian contribution to the program, and participate in the analysis and interpretation of SOCCOM data.