Acknowledge the SOCCOM Project Users of SOCCOM float or shipboard data should acknowledge the SOCCOM project - click the link above for details. Float Access & Visualization Accessing Float Data Files Detailed information on our various data formats and resources Interactive Map View float and profile locations, download raw and QC’d data files (ODV format) SOCCOMViz Plot float data Euro-Argo portal Click on 4th column “WMO Euro-Argo Link” to access SOCCOM float information (measured parameters only) PolarWatch ERDDAP Explore, subset, and create images of SOCCOM quality-controlled data from either the near-real time dataset or latest snapshot archive through NOAA’s PolarWatch Environmental Research Division Data Access Program (ERDDAP) Biogeochemical-Argo Map Locate, identify (WMO) and get access to the NetCDF (*.nc) of the merged profiles of a specific SOCCOM float (figures for each float are from real-time, not QC'd, data and should not be used for scientific purposes) Argovis Access Argo profiles via API, or visualize temperature, salinity, and BGC data by location. View float trajectory forecasts, compare gridded fields, co-locate Argo data with weather events. Float Data Files Entire float dataset with DOI Includes measured parameters plus derived carbon and biological parameters, most up-to-date QC (ODVtext, netCDF and Matlab formats) Single float data files Files for each float in ODV (SOCCOM QC with derived parameters) or netCDF (Argo DAC data) formats Float Trajectory Files Trajectories for all floats, ASCII format (zipped) Other BGC float data UW global O2 data set - global float O2 data are now available in the Argo data system Non-SOCCOM BGC Float table Shipboard Data Float/Cruise Matchup Table Cruise Data What You Should Know About SOCCOM Data Questions? Data Flow Chart